„My First Reading Library” to zestaw 50 książek do nauki i doskonalenia umiejętności czytania w języku angielskim.
Ta wyjątkowa biblioteczka zawiera:
22 książki z serii: First Reading
12 książek z serii: First Reading Level 1
16 książek z serii: First Reading Level 2 titles
This set of 50 beautifully illustrated books is perfect for guiding children through the first steps of learning to read. With titles of gradually increasing difficulty the set is great for building reading confidence.
Included are:
22 x Very First Reading titles
12 x First Reading Level 1 titles
16 x First Reading Level 2 titles
Titles included:
Bus For Miss Moss, A
Circus under the Sea
Deep Dark Woods
Dog Diary
Dressing-Up Box
Fright in the Night
Grizzly Bear Rock
Knight Fight
Late Night At The Zoo
Magic Ring, The
Monster Diner
Moon Zoom
Mr Mystery
Perfect Pet
Pirate Pat
Queen Makes a Scene
Run, Rabbit, Run!
Stop that Cow!
Very First Reading Bad Jack Fox
Very First Reading Captain Mac
Very First Reading Double Trouble
Wild School
Anansi and the Bag of Wisdom
First Reading Level One Anansi and the Tug of War
How the Crab Got His Claws
How the Elephant got his Trunk
How the Whale got his Throat
King Midas and the Gold
On the Moon
One, Two, Buckle My Shoe
The Greedy Dog
The Rabbit’s Tale
The Sun and the Wind
Under the Ground
Why the Kangaroo Jumps
Clever Rabbit and the Lion
Clever Rabbit and the Wolves
Doctor Foster went to Gloucester
How Bear Lost his Tail
How the Elephants lost their Wings
How Zebras Got Their Stripes
King Donkey Ears
Little Miss Muffet
Stone Soup
The Baobab Tree
The Chilly Little Penguin
The Daydreamer
The Dragon and the Phoenix
The Little Giraffe
The Tortoise and the Eagle
Małgorzata Kowalczyk –
Maja –
Po prostu super zestaw. Najbardziej podoba mi się w nim stopniowanie trudności. Na końcu każdej książeczki jest zestaw dźwięków, które dziecko musi umieć przeczytać, aby móc przeczytać daną książeczkę. Więc najpierw sprawdzamy czy dziecko to umie i dopiero potem czytamy. To bardzo motywuje dziecko do zapamiętania wymowy dźwięków.
Recep Yilmaz –
Great set provided by a good seller. Thank you!
Super książeczki dla dzieci.