„Pip and Posy”. Poznaj dwójkę przyjaciół królika o imieniu Pip oraz myszkę Posy. Okrywaj z nimi świat, rozwiązuj problemy i trudne sytuacje dnia codziennego. Oswajaj trudne emocje, strachy i niepowodzenia.
Wyjątkowa seria z ilustracjami Axel’a Schefflera (ilustratora między innymi „The Gruffalo” – klasyku anglojęzycznej literatury dziecięcej) to must-have w biblioteczce każdego przedszkolaka!
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The much-acclaimed toddler book series by Camilla Reid and The Gruffalo illustrator, Axel Scheffler.
Simple, engaging and funny stories which reflect the ups – and downs – of toddler life.
Pip and Posy are best friends – they love to play, and make things, and have fun. But just occasionally they get cross or sad, and sometimes things go wrong that are beyond their control. And that’s when kindness, sympathy – and resourcefulness – make everything better.
In The Birthday Party, It’s Posy’s big day and she’s delighted with Pip’s present of a beautiful toy bus. The friends have fun with the bus, then play some energetic party games and, before long, it’s time for the birthday tea. But just as Pip is carrying the magnificent birthday cake to the table, he trips over the bus and flies into the air – along with Posy’s cake! All small children will enjoy finding out what happens next – and seeing how Pip and Posy make the best of a very, very sticky situation.
A relatable story about navigating life’s minor catastrophes!
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